Health & Fitness

4 tips to help hit your weight loss goals

Sujata Din

If your goal is to lose weight you need to change some of your habits, by eating clean and getting active. And, you also need to be consistent, as it's by repeating and sustaining over a long period of time that you see success.

The mistake many people make is trying to find a quick fix solution, often doing fad diets. However, this is not a long-term sustainable approach because when you don’t create healthy habits, you are still used to your old ways, which is why the weight creeps back up.

If you want to lose weight and be healthier and happier, I’m sharing four tips on how to become more consistent…


1. Plan ahead

Planning is key to being consistent in your weight loss journey, especially when it comes to your fitness and nutrition. If you’re not organised or are constantly busy, you end up buying convenience foods on the go or may skip walking/exercise. To be consistent, create a simple weekly plan that details what you are doing.

2. Have treats

There’s no need for you to go on a very strict diet as these are often unsustainable and may have a negative impact on your consistency as are difficult to keep up with. Many people cut out certain food groups like sugar, but then crave these foods and after some time, give in and overindulge in cakes, cookies or chocolate. You can still have your favourite treats in moderation, eg share a dessert or eat healthier cookies. This way, you are being consistent.

3. Start small and build it up

The issue with many strict programs is that it typically requires excessive efforts to lose weight, so you don't enjoy it. I recommend that you start small and build it up. For instance, if you want to get fitter but can’t walk 10,000 steps, then start with just 3,000 steps and gradually increase this over time.


4. Be realistic

Consider what you are realistically able to do over a few months, given the time available and what’s doable. Then break down your bigger goals into smaller, daily goals as it’s your everyday activities or behaviours that lead to your end goal.

I highly recommend that you decide what’s realistic rather than trying to do too much too quickly. For instance, if you can’t fit formal exercise into your schedule, can you get fitter by climbing stairs instead of using the lift, cycling to work or dancing. Write down what you will do and commit to it.

There is so much to consider when losing weight, including what you eat, your activity, morning and evening routines, etc. And I understand that it becomes overwhelming when doing it on your own. With my 10 years coaching experience, my busy clients are losing weight to feel healthier and happier as they have by step-by-step guidance and are being consistent.

I can help you to look and feel good and loose your belly fat. Come and join me in my Wellness Membership Program.

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.