Health & Fitness

Here’s how to beat that holiday bulge feeling

Sujata Din

It's almost the end of August and this summer has just rushed by so quickly. I've got messages from many saying they've gained weight over the summer holidays and now want to lose it quickly.

Do you feel this too?

Maybe you’ve been on a well-deserved break to rest and relax and didn’t want to diet when away, wanting to eat everything you like. And I understand that when you’re on holiday you don’t want to feel restricted.

Depending on where you went, you may have had too much of your favourite foods like pizzas, chips or rice.

So, it's no surprise, as you know why you’ve gained the weight.


Maybe too many snacks that you enjoyed like crisps, cookies or cakes.

Or excessive desserts after every meal.

And after eating out frequently, you're feeling bloated and uncomfortable

But you’re now getting back into regular routine and want to get healthier but not sure where to start or what to do.

I want to tell you that you CAN lose weight effectively and easily.


Here's what you need to do:

  1. Firstly please don’t feel guilty about what you ate over the holidays. After two summers of being in lockdown, this may have been that special trip you were looking forward to. And depending on where you traveled you enjoyed the local food and drinks. If in Italy maybe it was pizza, pasta and gelato. Or if in France to have freshly baked bread, cheese or wine. Or in Thailand to enjoy the local curries with rice. So don’t feel bad about what you ate and drank when on holiday. It's normal to enjoy yourself when away. But now that you are back home and getting into routine, it's time to learn what to do to lose weight and also what to do so you don't gain weight the next holiday.

  1. Secondly, don’t go on an extreme diet as that will just leave you feeling deflated and tired. I’ll be sharing in my next article a few things to begin at home, so don’t miss that.

  1. Thirdly, come and join my waitlist to get my special offers exclusively for those on this list. This is for my upcoming 28-Day Program.

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.