The iWellness Show

On the road to getting stronger, fitter from scratch

iGlobal Desk

Meera Bhogal is the Founder of health food brand Meera’s Made from Scratch, which she created after realising much of the gluten and dairy-free food she needed to eat contained far too much sugar. Her passion for cooking resulted in delicious recipe and product creations, which are now sold online at, and at farmers’ markets across London. She also runs a successful eight-week guided menopause programme.

Episode 1

Small changes can go a long way towards wellness

In this iWellness Show special, she speaks at length about how feeling fit and healthy is not a choice but a necessity. What can we do about obesity and lifestyle changes? Start by acknowledging if you are overweight or obese. This is not about body shaming. This is about seeking medicinal or scientific evidence. Then you can begin to make some changes to your mindset, lifestyle and diet which can have a significant impact on the trajectory of your wellness. Make the change and take action!

Episode 2

Menopause: Busting the myths

In this episode, the health guide reflects on how for women across the world, the menopause is an inevitable fact of life and a normal part of the ageing process. But menopause myths still exist, partly due to the menopause still being a taboo subject. She dives into busting these menopause myths with some facts to help women have a clearer understanding. A good place to start is with an understanding of what causes the menopause.

Episode 3

Ingredients to prepare for a Healthy, Happy Diwali

In the latest set of episodes, Meera will be focussing on Diwali preparations, a very special time for millions of Indians living all over the world. No Diwali celebration is complete without the platefuls of sweets or mithai. But with diabetes four times higher among the South Asian population of the UK, it is important to find ways to avoid those soaring blood sugar levels without losing out on the sweetness of festive fun. Listen on for some tips.

Episode 4

Better brainpower through food

Food is conventionally regarded as a means to provide energy and building material within the body. Recently, the ability of food to prevent and protect against diseases has started to become recognised, mainly in relation to the effects of nutrients on molecular processes within the body. In this episode, our expert explains how certain cells require particular nutrients to play specific roles in order for our brains and bodies to function.

Episode 5

How to sleep better during the winter months

Getting a good night’s sleep in the middle of winter may seem like it should be no problem. After all, it’s the season of long nights, cosy blankets, hibernation, and snuggling up by the fire. But for all the same reasons winter and sleep go together so well, the opposite can also be true: For some people, winter can wreak havoc on sleep quality and quantity.

In this episode, we hear about how best to fight back the tossing and turning and get a good night’s rest all season long.

Episode 6

Why is gut health important?

Gut health is a trending topic right now, but with seemingly endless advice out there about what it means and how to maintain it, it can be hard to separate fact from conjecture. In this episode, we look at some basic facts surrounding healthy gut bacteria, as well as offering some tips on boosting your own gut health.

Episode 7

Fussy Eaters: Problems and Symptoms

Fussy eating among kids can be a problem if they are continually refusing new foods or solid foods between 4-6 months. Symptoms of fussy eating are: Refusing weaning foods if they are between 4-6 months or older and refusal to try our new foods. But it’s not just children who suffer, these symptoms can carry through into adulthood. Listen on for some insights.

Episode 8

Tips on creating happy family mealtimes

In the day-to-day reality of family life, mealtimes can become a battleground – with exhausted parents running out of patience when their children refuse to eat what's on their plate. Children are, however, more likely to accept and enjoy a wide variety of food when mealtimes are enjoyable.

In this episode, the focus is on tips which will help to make family mealtimes happy moments to cherish.

*The information in this programme and related articles does not constitute professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor on personal health matters.