Ayurveda, Yoga on agenda of India-Venezuela talks

India and Venezuela held the fourth round of Foreign Office consultations in Caracas.

During the meeting on November 21, the two sides reviewed bilateral ties, and exchanged views on different sectors, including political, trade, energy, health, pharmaceuticals, Ayurveda and Yoga, agriculture, culture and science and technology. "During the consultations, both sides comprehensively reviewed their bilateral relations, covering areas such as political, trade, energy, health and pharmaceuticals, Ayurveda and Yoga, agriculture, culture and science and technology," India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a statement.

During the meeting, India and Venezuela discussed regional and international issues of common interest. At the meeting, the Indian side was led by Saurabh Kumar, Secretary (East), MEA. For the meeting, the Venezuelan side was led by Capaya Rodriguez Gonzales, Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela.

The two sides agreed to hold the next round of consultations on a mutually convenient date in New Delhi. During his visit to Caracas, Saurabh Kumar held a meeting with Venezuela's Foreign Minister Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa. Both sides discussed India's investments in the oil sector and ways to further strengthen bilateral relations between the two nations. Saurabh Kumar also paid tribute at the National Pantheon in Caracas.

Back in September, External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar held a meeting with Venezuelan counterpart Carlos Faria on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The two leaders exchanged views on the global political and economic scenarios.

According to the MEA, India and Venezuela have maintained cordial relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 2009.


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