India announces candidature for UN Security Council

External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar on Thursday welcomed United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and other UNSC member states for a millets-based luncheon in New York.

"As we head into International Year of Millets 2023, a strong message for their greater production, consumption and promotion would help global food security and enhance sustainability in agriculture," he said in another tweet.
The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023).
Spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Government of India sponsored the proposal for International Year of Millets (IYM) 2023 which was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The declaration has been instrumental for the Government of India to be at the forefront in celebrating the IYM.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA), IYM 2023 will be an opportunity to raise awareness of, and direct policy attention to the nutritional and health benefits of millets and their suitability for cultivation under adverse and changing climatic conditions.
The Year will also promote the sustainable production of millets while highlighting their potential to provide new sustainable market opportunities for producers and consumers.
India assumed the monthly rotating Presidency of the UNSC in December.
This is the second time India got the Presidency after holding the top spot in August last year. India has presided over the Security Council during its two-year tenure as an elected member. UNSC rules of procedure say that the Council presidency rotates between each of the 15 members of the UNSC in alphabetical order.
During India's December Presidency of the UN Security Council, two high-level signature events took place on December 14-15.
The high-level open debate on the theme - "Maintenance of International Peace and Security: New Orientation for Reformed Multilateralism" was held on December 14. On December 15, the theme was "Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts: Global Approach to Counter Terrorism - Challenges and Way Forward" and sought to build a consensus on the principles of a global counter-terror architecture.
The briefings aimed to enhance the Delhi Declaration adopted during the special meeting of the counter-terrorism committee held in October in India.

Jaishankar also announced on Thursday the candidature of India for non-permanent membership at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2028-29 term.
"I am glad to inform you. We have declared our candidature for our next tenure at Security Council for 2028-29. And we look forward to being back", announces EAM Jaishankar. During a media stakeout at the UN, minister Jaishankar noted that December is the last month of India's current membership at the security council.
"And during this eighth inning of ours, we have attempted to bring many themes of contemporary relevance like maritime security, technology in UN peacekeeping, reforms of the UN, and counterterrorism to the centre of the agenda and of the debate in the UN," he said.
The external affairs minister said India has also sought to be the voice of Global South on many issues of concern. "We have not only tried to articulate their interest and anxieties but also tried to see whether we can serve as a bridge in the council," he added.
India has presided over the Security Council during its two-year tenure as an elected member. UNSC rules of procedure say that the Council presidency rotates between each of the 15 members of the UNSC in alphabetical order.
The open debate encouraged the UN members to take the conversation forward on reforms in the current multilateral architecture with the UN at its centre to make it "more representative and fit for purpose."


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