India lifts flight restrictions with Ukraine

Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation has removed the restriction on the number of flights that can be operated between India and Ukraine under the bilateral air bubble arrangement to facilitate the travel of Indians from the eastern European country.

"MoCA has removed the restriction on a number of flights and seats between India-Ukraine in Air Bubble arrangement. Any number of flights and Charter flights can operate. Indian airlines were informed to mount flights due to increased demand," the Ministry of Civil Aviation said in a statement. Under an air bubble arrangement between two countries, international passenger flights can be operated by their respective carriers into each other's territories subject to certain conditions.

On February 15, the Indian Embassy in Ukraine asked its citizens to leave Kiev temporarily amid the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine.

In an advisory, India also requested its nationals to keep the Embassy informed about their presence status to enable it to reach them where required.

Tensions over Ukraine have increased in recent months, with Russia and NATO accusing each other of amassing troops on the Russian-Ukrainian border.

The United States and Ukraine accuse Russia of preparing to invade. Meanwhile, Moscow denies the claims and maintains that it has no intention of attacking any country.


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