Indian Air Force Chief calls out Pakistan's terror backing

Indian Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari said Pakistan continues to sponsor terrorism despite its economic weakness and is unlikely to shed its Kashmir oriented strategy.

"On the Western Front, we continue to be in no war no peace situation, Pakistan is unlikely to shed its Kashmir oriented strategy for the foreseeable future. Despite Pakistan's own internal problems and economic weaknesses, it will continue to sponsor terrorism," Air Chief said during his address at the 18th Subroto Mukerjee seminar organised by the Centre for Air Power Studies. He mentioned that Pakistan armed forces have formulated a new concept of war-fighting and have acquired and equipped themselves with the latest technology.

"Strategically, we are making a transition from fighting a predominantly defensive war to adopting a more aggressive approach for an offensive defence under the nuclear umbrella," Air chief said.

He also revealed that Pakistan Air Force has built 24 forward operating bases and six satellite bases that provide greater flexibility and ability to influence battles across a larger spectrum.

Indian Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari was speaking at the 18th Subroto Mukerjee Seminar at Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS) as a chief guest.

He also added that there is a strong linkage between security and development in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous geopolitical environment.


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