Indian diaspora prepares for PM Modi state visit to US

Dr Bharat Barai, an Indian American community leader and organiser of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Ronald Reagan Center event in the US said PM Modi is the most popular public figure, leader in the world, not just in India.
"The Prime Minister is extremely popular. He's perceived as a visionary leader for India who is working tirelessly for the growth of India," Barai said.
PM Modi has given his consent to address the community on the evening of June 23 soon after which he is going on an official visit to Cairo at the invitation of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The event would be hosted by the US India Community Foundation. While talking about the topics PM Modi will be speaking on, Barai said: "We want the Prime Minister to tell us what the diaspora can do for the country. So, the topic that we have requested him to speak on is the role of the diaspora in the growth story of India, what can the diaspora do for the country, what the diaspora can do to improve the living standard of people of India, how we can help."

Meanwhile, top lawmakers in the United States have invited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address the US Congress when he visits Washington, DC, a rare opportunity granted only to the country's closest allies. Underscoring the signals of the continued bipartisan support in America for strong bilateral ties with India, Ambassador to the US Taranjit Singh Sandhu noted the keenness shown by the Democrats and Republicans.
"PM Modi will be the first leader in independent India to address the US Congress twice...In my conversations with many of the congressmen and senators, I can certainly tell you that there is a lot of excitement among them. They want to hear about the India story and they want to hear about the Prime Minister's vision and his thinking," Taranjit Singh Sandhu said. 


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