Russia-Ukraine crisis: India calls for immediate ceasefire

India abstained from voting on the draft resolution by Ukraine and its allies on the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country arguing that the draft resolution didn't fully reflect India's expected focus and the need of hour is to focus on cessation of hostilities.

Speaking on the resolution by Ukraine and its allies on the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country, TS Tirumurti, India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations on March 24 said that the humanitarian situation continues to worsen, particularly in the conflict zones in urban centers and reiterated India's call for an immediate ceasefire. "India abstained on the resolution since what we require now is to focus on cessation of hostilities and on urgent humanitarian assistance. The draft resolution did not fully reflect our expected focus on these challenges."

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine on March 24, with 140 countries voting in favour and five against it. A total of 38 countries including India abstained. Meanwhile, Russia, Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria voted against it.

The resolution titled "Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine" calls out Russia's "assault" on Ukraine for creating the "dire" humanitarian situation.

In a nine-pointer statement, Ambassador Tirumurti urged the global leaders to enhance the humanitarian support to Kyiv and address the needs of the concerned population.

"We support the initiatives of UN, and its agencies. We hope the international community will continue to respond positively to the humanitarian needs of the people of Ukraine, including through extending generous support to the Secretary General's Flash Appeal and the Regional Refugee Response Plan on Ukraine," Tirumurti added.


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