Tech, data being weaponised in Digital Age, warns Indian PM Modi

Underlining the impact of the Digital Age, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "we are in a time of change" that happens once in an era, where technology and data are becoming new weapons.

Delivering the keynote address at The Sydney Dialogue, PM Modi said the Digital Age is changing everything around us. "It has redefined politics, economy and society," he added. "It is raising new questions on sovereignty, governance, ethics, law, rights and security. It is reshaping international competition, power and leadership," the Prime Minister said while speaking on the theme of "India's Technology: Evolution and Revolution".

PM Modi said that the world has ushered in a new era of opportunities for progress and prosperity.

"But we also face new risks and new forms of conflict across diverse threats, from sea-bed to cyber to space. Technology has already become a major instrument of global competition and key to shaping the future international order," he said.

PM Modi said that technology and data are becoming new weapons and added that "The biggest strength of democracy is openness. At the same time, we should not allow a few vested interests to misuse this openness."

PM Modi's address was preceded by introductory remarks by the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Prime Minister's Office said.

The Sydney Dialogue is being held between November 17-19. It is an initiative of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.


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