Wonderful news: PM Modi on US joining India-led International Solar Alliance

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed the United States to the International Solar Alliance and said that it will further strengthen the ties in their shared quest of harnessing solar energy for a sustainable planet.

"Wonderful news @ClimateEnvoy! I thank @POTUS and wholeheartedly welcome the USA to the @isolaralliance. This will further strengthen the Alliance in our shared quest of harnessing solar energy for a sustainable planet," the Prime Minister tweeted.

PM Modi's remarks came after special presidential envoy John Kerry said that America is pleased to join International Solar Alliance at COP26.

"Accelerating solar energy deployment globally is critical to keeping a limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming within reach. The U.S. is pleased to join the @isolaralliance at #COP26. Thank you, Prime Minister @narendramodi and @byadavbjp for championing this important endeavour," the US envoy said in a tweet.

The launch of ISA was announced by PM Modi and former President of France Francois Hollande on November 30 in 2015 at the 21st session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP-21) in Paris, France.


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