Back to Size 8 after 36 years! Here’s how…

Back to Size 8 after 36 years! Here’s how…

“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream”: C.S. Lewis

I coach many people who have different goals, but the one thing that they do have in common is that they prioritise their wellness and self-care.

Today I want to share how you are never too old to make a change and get to your goals, as this is exactly what my client Laxmi did, who wanted to age gracefully.

Do you know that sometimes we have limiting beliefs and think because we are over 40, 50 or even 60 we cannot do it? And, many women do think that weight loss after menopause will be difficult. And if you feel this way, I suggest that you get started by making small sustainable changes and gradually overcome any limiting beliefs you have. Continue reading to see how Laxmi improved her health at the age of 64.

Laxmi lost weight and went back to a Size 8 after 36 years in just 5 months by eating real foods and making new habits.

Laxmi is approaching her mid 60s and wanted to ensure that she was setting a good foundation for the years ahead. She's always eaten relatively healthily, she’s active and also used the gym frequently (prior to lockdown) but had not been able to go down a dress size when doing this. She also wanted to take it to the next level and improve her knowledge about nutrition and other aspects of wellness so that she could age gracefully.

She's happy that she started my Wellness Membership Program, as was one of the best investments she has made in her health.

Some significant improvements Laxmi saw:

  • Lost 1 stone in 5 months and many inches by eating and living healthily.

  • Finally, able to fit into a size 8 again, something she hadn't done in 36 years, after the birth of her daughter.

  • Has more energy in her 60s which allows her to live her life fully.

  • Her skin has improved and as a result of this, she needs to use less makeup.

  • She feels more focused and relaxed and this has improved her golf.

  • Her cravings reduced when she started eating clean.

  • Is living mindfully and feeling happier within herself.

You may be thinking how she did this?

It was not done by following a restrictive diet or stopping her traditional meals. She did this by introducing healthy habits and making these parts of her life.

So, what helped her?

  • Drinking more water daily.

  • She learnt what to eat and her meals became more satisfying so she didn’t feel the need to snack through the day.

  • Prepared balanced plates, which have become second nature to her.

  • Walking daily.

  • She gradually introduced and built cardio exercise.

  • Improved the variety and quality of meals.

  • Has greater awareness when shopping.

All these amazing results were achieved while eating her traditional Indian foods and liked the fact that she never had to count calories.

Laxmi enjoyed her wellness journey because she didn’t feel like she was on a diet, being able to incorporate what she was learning into her normal daily life, including when eating out.

Congratulations to Laxmi, she has done well and it’s been amazing to see her make these changes. As you can see I guide people of all ages, who want to keep it real, who want to enjoy themselves whether it’s eating their own traditional meals or eating out.

They don’t stop living their normal lives but instead learn how to improve their ways of living. In the Wellness Membership Program, I am guiding step-by-step on what to do, there is support and accountability and you get access to my coaching videos, cooking classes, meditation practices and so much more.

It’s with this simple, flexible and expert-led program, members are educated to be able to make lifelong healthy decisions. If they can do it, so can you!

I hope Laxmi’s story is an inspiration for what you too could achieve and is a motivator to get started today.

Feeling ready to take that first step?

I am happy to offer all iGlobal readers a FREE 30-minute discovery call. Email me at:

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for ‘iGlobal’, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.

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