#BeTheRevival with global diaspora response to Covid-19

#BeTheRevival with global diaspora response to Covid-19

The Indian diaspora is playing a key role in the fight against Covid-19. Indian communities around the world are standing with and supporting vulnerable communities that have been severely impacted by this pandemic.

Indiaspora's ChaloGive campaign alone has raised over $1.1 million and enabled over 7 million meals in the US and India, to help migrant workers and food insecure populations.

All this and more was the focus of the Global Diaspora Response to Covid-19? panel at India Global Week 2020, during which Indiaspora Founder & Chairman M.R. Rangaswami was joined by EdelGive Foundation CEO Vidya Shah, British Asian Trust Executive Direct Hitan Mehta and Partner at Chicago Pacific Partners, Narendra Mulani to discuss the efforts of the diaspora so far in response to Covid-19 and the need to stay engaged in the coming weeks and months around the summit theme of #BeTheRevival.

Lives and Livelihoods

Rangaswami, as the host of the diaspora panel, reflected on the hard work of the 4 million strong Indian community's work through the pandemic in the US, a hotspot of Covid?.

Vidya Shah shared her insights from India on the philanthropic work and the largest, never seen before retail giving activity during Covid-19. At the reforms level, livelihoods have come into clear focus across the states of India looking beyond Covid-19 and get industries going and revive agriculture, she said.

Shah also expressed her worries over a funding crisis? in the future as a result of a profit contraction for companies hit by Covid-19, hitting their corporate social responsibility (CSR) giving.

Hitan Mehta, in reference to the Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, noted: We saw a real outpouring and step-up in the diaspora community in supporting their local communities. He also reflected on HRH the Prince of Wales? support of the British Asian Trust and its Emergency Covid-19 Appeal, which kicked off a major philanthropic drive among the diaspora communities in the UK.

Digital skills and healthcare

Diaspora communities in the UK have started to really engage to see how they can support the post-Covid recovery in India and skilling is a key area, he said.

Narendra Mulani said that while supporting food charities comes very naturally to us Indians?, it stepped up even further during the Covid-19 crisis.

The pandemic has shown every tear in the social fabric of the US; the Indian community, having done very well for ourselves, have an obligation to give back digital skills and healthcare being some areas of strength, he said.

I am an eternal optimist so I believe what we need is a clear vision for the future & that will encourage NGOs to attract social bonds and philanthropists, he added.

by Nadia Hatink

iGlobal News