I have been blown away by community spirit, can-do attitude this Diwali: Boris Johnson

I have been blown away by community spirit, can-do attitude this Diwali: Boris Johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson took some time out from his extra hectic schedule to address the Indian diaspora from 10 Downing Street and flag off the ‘iGlobal’ launch celebrations with a warm message of hope and optimism.

Here is Boris Johnson’s special message for DiwaliFest2020, in his own words:

Congratulations on this fantastic virtual Diwali festival, which is bringing the spirit of Diwali into people’s homes while helping to keep people safe.

And I want to thank all of you for the amazing part you are playing in our battle against Covid-19.

I know that celebrating at a distance isn’t easy when you want to get together with all your family or visit your friends or share with them the Diwali fun, as well of course the odd samosa or gulab jamun.

So I want you to know that your sacrifices, and your determination to do the right thing really are helping to save lives, and tough though I know many aspects of this year have been, I have been blown away by the inspirational way in which Hindus, Sikhs and Jains have responded to this crisis with compassion, community spirit and a can-do attitude.

From those in temples across the country who have been cooking a storm to create meals for the vulnerable to the community groups who have organised food parcels, and checked in on people to see how they are doing; and of course the spectacular dedication of the doctors and nurses in our NHS and those who have been on the frontline throughout this pandemic.

And while undoubtedly there are huge challenges ahead, I have every confidence in the resilience and resolve and good sense of people across the country and that together we will overcome this virus, just as Diwali teaches us that light triumphs over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance.

So, let’s pull together once again in a huge collective effort, remembering the mantra to wash our hands, wear a face covering, and keep our distance from people we don’t live with.

And, just as Lord Rama and his wife Sita found their way home after the defeat of the demon king Ravana, their way lit by many millions of lamps, so too we shall find our way through this, and we shall do so triumphantly.

I wish you all a fantastic DiwaliFest. Shubh Diwali, and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

*For other highlight sessions from DiwaliFest2020, explore here

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