Innovation & tech in sharp focus at India Global Forum UAE

Innovation & tech in sharp focus at India Global Forum UAE

The India Global Forum UAE 2022 brought innovation and technology into sharp focus as part of a ‘Closer India-UAE Engagement – What Patterns and What Future?’ session in Dubai this week, which assessed and gauged UAE-India relations from both current and future perspectives.

In an exclusive intervention, Mariam Almheiri – UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment – lauded the IGF for creating a high-level platform for bilateral dialogue.

Among the other highlight speakers during the week-long forum in the UAE was H.E. Reem Bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, the Minister of State for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Government of the UAE, who set the scene for the bilateral relationship working as “Partners for Global Impact” – the theme of IGF UAE 2022.

Al Hashimy said: “We have a relationship which is centuries old and as we grow this relationship, we will unfold and unlock opportunities. We have already seen a pickup of 30 per cent in trade since the signing of CEPA [Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement] a few months ago and we can look forward to a trade volume of $100bn in five years in non-oil sectors.

“In the coming days, we will see innovation and technology emerge as a strong pillar in UAE-India trade relations even as traditional sectors remain strong.”

Sunjay Sudhir, the Ambassador of India to the UAE, steered the highlight conversation of the day and described UAE-India relations are “very special and vibrant”.

Reflecting on another power-packed day, Professor Manoj Ladwa, Founder & Chairman, India Global Forum, said: “Beginning the day with a discussion on the tremendous scope and potential of UAE-India relations, the tone was set for another invigorating set of sessions that also covered a dynamic array of topics as part of the IGF Studio.

“Our endeavour at IGF is to facilitate such free-wheeling conversations between entrepreneurs and innovators, policymakers and thought leaders from around the world. The engaging interactions so far have certainly injected momentum behind India’s G20 presidency and the UAE as a Partner for Global Impact.”

Day Three of IGF UAE 2022 was themed The Forum: Partners for Global Impact and featured wide ranging lively conversations around topics including “Financial Services: Next Steps in Creating a World Leading Corridor”, “Efficient India – Reforming India Brick by Brick, Byte by Byte” and a pan India, Israel, UAE and USA session termed “I2U2 – New Alignment for New Opportunities”.

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