UK reaffirms 2030 Roadmap commitments at high-level dialogue with India

UK reaffirms 2030 Roadmap commitments at high-level dialogue with India

India’s Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra and Sir Philip Barton, the UK’s Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, met in New Delhi for the annual UK-India Strategic Dialogue.

The two top diplomats reviewed strong progress made on the 2030 Roadmap last year and looked ahead to the next phase of bilateral cooperation, according to Gov.UK statements.

“I am delighted to be here in New Delhi at the start of 2023 to underline the UK’s commitment to the 2030 Roadmap for deepening cooperation with India. Through our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, the UK and India are together playing a key role in tackling the biggest challenges facing the world today, including food and energy security, economic recovery post-Covid and preventing future pandemics,” Sir Philip Barton said.

The UK and India are also increasingly working together multilaterally, including with the World Health Organisation and the international community, on potential Malaria and Ebola vaccines. I was pleased to hear from Foreign Secretary Kwatra about India’s ambitious plans for its G20 Presidency. India is at the heart of the Indo-Pacific region, where half the world’s people live, and 50% of global economic growth is produced. The UK is committed to working closely with India in making its Presidency a success,” he added.


UK reaffirms 2030 Roadmap commitments at high-level dialogue with India
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The dialogue celebrated various milestones achieved in 2022; including an agreement on Mutual Recognition of Academic Qualifications signed in July; the bespoke Young Professionals Scheme confirmed by Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Sunak in November; and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch’s first visit to India last month for the sixth round of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations.

During his visit to India, Sir Philip also met Indian Minister Dr S Jaishankar and a range of UK partners in the country.

In 2021, the UK and India agreed on ambitious plans for the next decade of the bilateral relationship with the ‘2030 Roadmap’ that includes commitments to deepen cooperation on health, climate, trade, education, science and technology, and defence.


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As the Permanent Under-Secretary, Sir Philip Barton is responsible for advising the UK Foreign Secretary and his team on foreign and development policy and for managing the FCDO. He is the UK’s most senior diplomat and Head of the UK Diplomatic Service. Sir Philip joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1986 and was posted in Delhi in the 1990s. His mother was born in Shimla, and his daughter is named ‘India’. Before taking up his current role, he was the British High Commissioner to India.

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