Battle of the bulge made easy with these healthy habits

Battle of the bulge made easy with these healthy habits

Sujata Din, Certified Health Coach and iGlobal columnist, zeroes in on creating healthy habits on the road to all-round wellness. In our battle of bulge, we often try diets but find that none of these work in the long term. Any weight lost seems to pile back on again.

Episode 1

Fitting fitness into life, rather than fitting life around a diet

In this iWellness Show special, Sujata explains how to stay motivated and positive on your weight loss journey and feel fitter and healthier without feeling deprived of some of your favourite foods.

Episode 2

Healthy holiday tips to keep your fitness goals on track

Whether you’re traveling or not, the holiday season is always a struggle when it comes to healthy eating. We have a different rhythm and healthy habits seems to be difficult to maintain. We’re always excited to go on a holiday, but invariably also a bit worried about our food choices.

In this episode, Sujata shares tips for us to feel healthy and happy through the holiday period. Equally, the things to incorporate into our routine once we are back home from any travels. So, the whole process should seem seamless and also not take away any of the fun from a holiday.

Episode 3

Easy tips to stay fit this Diwali

As soon as the festive season of Diwali and the lure of sweets fill your home, all fitness intentions jump out of the window. Everything in sight looks tempting and we go and indulge. As we gear up for Diwali celebrations, our Health Coach explains why it is not okay to not keep your weight and health in check in the name of festivals. The extra calories and kgs become difficult to shed after the festivities end.

In this episode, she offers some very simple and smart ways to celebrate a guilt-free Diwali and stay fit at all times.

Episode 4

An over-indulgent Diwali? Here are some remedies

Who doesn’t like indulging in festive delights? From that ghee-laden laddoo to a sweet-dripping jalebi, Diwali is about getting together with friends and family over some of these festive treats. With all these flavoursome confectioneries and calorific savouries around, many of us may not have the willpower to resist. So, what do we do after Diwali to get over the blues of over-indulgence? Health Coach Sujata Din has some insights on feeling healthy again post Diwali.

Episode 5

Eating healthy on a budget with simple swaps

When budgets are tight, eating well can seem like less of a priority. It can be even more challenging when you're staying at home because of lockdown, or any other reason. The good news is that even if you're watching what you spend, some simple swaps and smart shopping can mean a heart-healthy diet is still within reach.

In this episode, the focus is on how planning your shop in advance and making the most of leftovers can make your healthy food go further.

Episode 6

Eating well for Christmas

For many of us this month and Christmas is all about enjoying the delicious festive fare with family and friends, but how do you do this at the same time as sticking to a heart-healthy diet? In this episode, we hear about suggestions where you can have the best of both worlds. Looking after your heart health in this way also means you are less likely to pile on the pounds over the festive season.

Episode 7

A couch potato approach to New Year’s resolutions

It’s nearly time for New Years’ resolutions! Here, we hear about the reasons many New Year Resolutions are abandoned by Valentine’s Day is that they are simply too ridiculous to maintain. If you are a chocolate-eating, remote-toting couch potato, to tell yourself that you are going to win the Mr/Miss Universe Contest is simply out of your league.

*The information in this programme and related articles does not constitute professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor on personal health matters.

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