
How our emotions provide a blueprint for self-healing

Reena Ranger

Reena Ranger, Chair of Women Empowered, is In Conversation with Chintal Kakaya for her regular series for ‘iGlobal’ to explore some inspirational facets from the life and achievements of prominent Global Indians.

Chintal is a Holistic Healer and Wellness Coach specialising in stress management, the holistic way. Her mission is to empower women to the power of healing and self-discovery, helping busy women manage stress, cultivate calm, heal and improve their wellbeing to lead a healthier, happier and balanced life. Her main focus is Emotional, Spiritual and Mental Health. An Occupational Therapist who is focussed on helping others, she also loves dancing, baking, cooking, music.


As a Wellness Coach and Holistic Healer, you must be aware of the impact the pandemic has had not only on our physical health at times but our collective mental health. What are your experiences from the pandemic and now as we emerge into the “new normal”?

Yes totally, the pandemic has had a significant effect on individuals mental and emotional health. Personally, as a healer and coach and being on the frontline, initially everyone appears to have been functioning on adrenaline until the situation became more longer term. There was an increase in anxiety, stress, depression and overwhelm in many individuals due to a multitude of factors.

These are not being able to socialise with their network, lack of financial income, stress of how to manage on a day to day basis, loss of loved ones, fear felt by all, restrictions in accessing vital services and uncertainty. Supporting those in need has been vital and educating them on tools to use and services to access to support their mental health has been vital.

Now as we emerge into the “new” normal, many still express fear and some have forgotten how to socialise, saying that many realised their boundaries and how comfortable they feel with socialising. We as humans are evolving beings and we all require some degree of human connection, many feel a lot happier that they can interact with their network of support face to face, attend social gatherings, gym, clubs, activities all which are important as part of living a balanced life. It is important for all to commit to improving their wellbeing.

What is your advice for those who are feeling angry, exhausted, overwhelmed or struggling with balance in life?

This is a really good question. Firstly, it is important to understand we cannot control what is out of our control. It is important to turn within to explore the why, why do you feel angry, overwhelmed, exhausted. Acceptance of your emotions and exploring further, what changes do you want to make, which areas of your life is the above having an impact on, how is it impacting you?

The answers you seek are within you and no one else can answer them for you. As a coach, I guide clients to get to their answers and initiate the transformation from within.

The key here is healing and that even healing from within. Our emotions are part of our blueprint and a lot of these emotions are lessons for us, lessons that guide us to what we need to work on ourselves. Balance in life happens once you start working on yourself, remember the change begins with you. How you are with yourself and your inner world is a reflection of your outer world.

Take a moment, pause, connect with your breath which is your lifeline, without this you wouldn’t be here, just take a minute to tune into your breath and what’s happening in your body.

And here’s a last tip: if feeling angry about something or a situation, how can you release it in a creative way? So, if you are angry about a situation, what can you do so others don’t experience the same.


You work in the NHS. Do you feel there is a conflict between the allopathic treatment approach and what you aim to do, or do you feel both approaches complement each other?

Ah, so after 19 years serving in the NHS I have just recently transferred over to Health and Social Care, however, this has always been a hot topic. So, personally at this time in moment I believe there is scope for both.

You can implement holistic interventions whilst using allopathic interventions, however, I am all about taking power of your own health and wellbeing. So, for example, if you have diabetes, you may require allopathic treatment. Yes start it, alongside this what can you do to improve your own health such as lifestyle changes, alternative therapies etc. I know many who have reversed their Type 2 diabetes.

As I advance in my own journey, I truly believe there is a lot more scope of holistic interventions such as stress management which is my niche. There are many ways to manage your stress and if you continue with these interventions consistently you will see profound benefits. I personally have been on this journey and was on allopathic treatment. Once I introduced holistic interventions, meditation, breath work, energy healing and other tools I was able to wean off allopathic treatment and now solely manage stress and anxiety holistically.

What does your baking business mean to you and why did you start it?

My baking business was a platform for me to share my creations and delicious bakes with the wider community. I love creating and exploring different flavours and brought something unique to the table.

Sadly, I closed the business in December 2020 as I pivoted on my path and found my true soul’s purpose of serving women. I started my journey of self-discovery back in 2018 after a period of illness/es, stress, exhaustion, breakdown and through this I went through deep healing and found my true purpose which is to inspire, empower, heal and transform women’s lives. So, now my holistic healing and wellness coaching is my new venture.


If you could go back and give your teenage self one bit of advice, what would it be?

Go within and explore who you really are and what your core values, beliefs and goals are. What are your dreams and aspirations and follow them; if challenges and obstacles come your way, see them as your teachers, what are they teaching you. Build that belief from within and plant the seeds, what brings you joy and go do that.

Reena Ranger is the Chair and Co-Founder of Women Empowered. In this exclusive “In Conversation” series for iGlobal, the dynamic entrepreneur-philanthropist catches up with high-achieving Global Indians across different fields to spotlight some insightful life lessons.

*The views expressed in the answers are of the interviewees.