Health & Fitness

Lunchtime Yoga to get back into the rhythm

Arundhati Mukherjee

In association with leading Yoga Institutes, the Nehru Centre in London has launched a great new concept of 30-minute Yoga sessions timed for UK lunchtime for six weeks in preparation for the International Day of Yoga on June 21.

Renowned organisations like The Art of Living, UK, Iyengar Yoga, and SRMD Yoga have come together to present the Lunchtime Yoga sessions on the Nehru Centre platform, launched last week. These can be caught live every Wednesday or even re-visited later.


The first session covered Chair Yoga in detail and was conducted by SRMD Yoga teacher Atmarpit Hardika.

For this Chair Yoga routine, props used were a chair, Yoga blocks and a bolster.

All the poses demonstrated on the show can be practised by all abilities and age groups. These will be easy to accommodate in busy and sedentary office life, as one doesn’t need to leave the office chair to do these poses.

Some extremely beneficial yoga poses like Ardha Matsyendrasana or half spinal twist, Trikonasana or triangle pose, Virabhadrasana I and II or Warrior pose I and II, Marjaryasana and Bitilasana or Cat and Cow pose, and many others have been beautifully modified to be performed on a chair or supporting it. Also demonstrated were some basic yet equally helpful stretches with a block.

Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD) is a spiritual movement for inner transformation through wisdom, meditation and selfless service.


The organisation is founded by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji and works through 108 centres on five continents. Centres in the UK provide a platform for supporting and extending the Mission’s regular activities for adults, youth, and children.

Rooted in spirituality, SRMD Yoga nourishes the body, centres the mind, and enables one to make the most of every moment.