British Indian groups call for action against ‘alarming rise’ of Hinduphobia

British Indian groups call for action against ‘alarming rise’ of Hinduphobia

British Indian diaspora organisations have appealed to members of Parliament and peers to take action against what they fear is an “alarming rise” of Hinduphobia across Britain, following recent incidents of serious disorder in Leicester and Birmingham.

In an interview for ‘GB News’, City Hindus Chair Alpesh Patel blamed extremist elements for perpetrating hate within communities in the UK: “We want more respect and more law and order and fewer jihadis.

“We need to take a lesson from the miracle that is India where you have got such a large group of Christians, Muslims, Hindus living together… It’s about mutual respect and getting rid of the extremists and jihadis.”

Alpesh Patel told iGlobal: “We the British people can see through the coordinated attack on the Indian diaspora by Pakistani jihadis. Report them to Prevent, the programme created to deal with extremists. 

"A jihadi shouting at a little old woman in a sari at a Mandir is an apprentice to full blown terrorism. We don’t want 7/7 or more London Bridge and Westminster attacks. Leave us the peace alone. Stop trying to drag Britain into the gutter with your problems.”

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for British Hindus secretariat has compiled a detailed report with evidence and data to present to Parliament and security authorities in an effort to ensure the violence and atmosphere of fear does not escalate further.

Among its proposed recommendations to combat the worrying trend include:

  • Expand the depth and types of security available to protect the British Hindu community through increased police presence in Hindu populated areas and coordination with local Hindu community organisations.

  • Increase the provision of security and police at local Hindu temples and organisations.

  • Ensure a structured plan in coordination with national Hindu organisations to protect Hindus and provide iron clad security during large upcoming festivals such as Navratri and Diwali, and to ensure the same protection is afforded during peaceful protests.

  • Provide urgent reassurances from senior ministers acknowledging that Hinduphobia does exist and is a problem that needs to be tackled at a wider national and local political level.

  • Work with British Hindu organisations, including the APPG for British Hindus, for long-term security to ensure that these issues never hinder a flourishing community in the UK.


British Indian groups call for action against ‘alarming rise’ of Hinduphobia
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Insight UK warned that various “false narratives” on social media had stoked the flames of religious hatred.

“Hinduphobia and attacks on the Hindu community have become widespread for the last five years and the UK government have ignored it,” it warned.

Meanwhile, Leicestershire Police issued an open letter to east Leicester – the scene of mob clashes in recent weeks.

It comes as the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) in India wrote to British Prime Minister Liz Truss urging prompt action against the continued violence against Hindus in Leicester and Birmingham.

"The Vishva Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) is deeply concerned and alarmed at the ongoing violence in Leicester in which a large number of Hindus of Leicester, their places of worship, and their cultural and religious symbols have been wantonly targeted and damaged by Islamic extremists and hoodlums," the letter said.

*With ANI inputs

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