India calls out cross-border terrorism at ASEAN meet

Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who is on an official tour in Cambodia, described transnational and cross-border terrorism as the gravest threat that the world is facing, and called for urgent and resolute intervention by the international community.

Addressing the 9th ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting at the Cambodia-chaired gathering at Siem Reap, Singh said: "The gravest threat requiring urgent and resolute intervention by the international community is transnational and cross-border terrorism.

“Indifference can no longer be a response, as terrorism has found victims globally." The minister highlighted how terrorist groups have created interlinkages across continents backed by new-age technologies to transfer money and recruit supporters.

"The transformation of cyber-crimes into organised cyber-attacks point to the increasing use of new technologies, by both, state and non-state actors," he added.

He also noted how the United Nations Security Council Committee on Counter-terrorism, which met last month in New Delhi, had adopted the Delhi Declaration to counter the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes.

"While terrorism continues to remain a big threat, other security concerns that have emerged in the aftermath of the global Covid-19 pandemic cannot be ignored. The ongoing geo-political developments have brought the world's attention to the challenges of Energy and Food Security," he said.


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