Mauritius hails Indian Navy's neighbourhood assistance

Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth visited the First Training Squadron Ships and appreciated the assistance provided by ships and aircraft of India's Navy while also lauding the interoperability between the two Indian Navy, and Mauritian National Coast Guard.

The Mauritius PM was speaking at the First Training Squadron Ships, last evening, at Quay A, Harbour Area in Port-Louis.

Speaking on the occasion, Jugnauth highlighted that the participation of the Indian Navy in activities marking the Independence Day celebrations is a testimony of the privileged relationship between Mauritius and India, strongly bound by ties that go deep in history. He extended his gratitude to the Government of India and the Indian Navy for this collaboration, according to an official release by the Mauritian government.

Underlining the critical role that seas play for Island nations, Prime Minister Jugnauth indicated that his government aims to double the contribution of this sector to the GDP in the medium term, owing to the immense potential of the blue economy for economic growth.

"Our partnership in the maritime domain has been longstanding and strengthened over time", he said, adding that "the current joint EEZ surveillance carried out by the National Coast Guard (NCG) and the ships of the First Training Squadron of the Indian Navy plays a vital role. He also dwelt on courses, capacity-building, and outreach programs offered by the First Training Squadron," the statement read.

The Prime Minister also extended his gratitude as regards the assistance provided by ships and aircraft of the Indian Navy as well as assets of the NCG deployed during operations in connection with the grounded fishing vessel at Saint Brandon in December 2022, the statement added.


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