PM Modi leads Hanuman Jayanti greetings in India

Extending his greetings on the 44th Foundation Day of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Hanuman Jayanti, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that BJP derives its inspiration from Lord Hanuman to fight corruption and maintaining law and order.
While virtually interacting with the party workers, PM Modi said, "Today India is realizing its potential just like the power of lord Hanuman. BJP party gets inspiration from lord Hanuman to fight corruption, law and order. If we see the whole life of lord Hanuman, he had a "Can Do" attitude that helped him in bringing all kinds of success." He added, "Hanuman Ji can do anything, does it for everyone, but does not do anything for Himself! This is what the Bharatiya Janata Party derives inspiration from!"
Extending greetings to the party workers, PM Modi said," Today we all are celebrating the foundation day of our party. I congratulate each and every BJP worker dedicated to the service of Mother India."
He further added, "Today we all are celebrating the foundation day of our party. I congratulate each and every BJP worker dedicated to the service of Mother India."
He stated, "Today India is realizing its potential just like the power of lord Hanuman. BJP party gets inspiration from lord Hanuman to fight corruption, law and order."
"From the inception of the BJP till today, the great personalities who have irrigated the party, have nurtured, strengthened and enriched the party, all the great personalities who served the country and the party from the smallest worker to the senior position To whom I bow my head," he stated.
"On the auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanti, I pray for His blessings to all. Today, India has been realising the great powers like that of Bajrang Bali, India has emerged much stronger to face the ocean-like big challenges," he further stated.


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