UK Chancellor in Bengaluru for G20 meet, bilateral talks

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt is in Bengaluru to attend the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.

This is his first overseas visit after becoming the Chancellor. This trip is aimed to strengthen the already productive UK-India economic relationship and deepen ties to increase new investment and bring new jobs to the UK.

With its rich reputation for the cutting-edge tech industry, the Chancellor will be meeting Indian tech CEOs and founders in Bengaluru to explore investment opportunities and how links with India can help the UK become the world's next Silicon Valley.

The Chancellor will attend the G20 alongside the Governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey. The Chancellor's work at the G20 will also contribute to the UK Government's broader economic aims to halve inflation, grow the economy, and reduce the national debt.

Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said: "I want the UK to be the world's next Silicon Valley - this is an ambition within reach thanks to our status as a global financial powerhouse and home to world-class universities and research institutions."

"We already have a USD 1 trillion tech industry, but we want to go further to create jobs and wealth across the UK. To help us get there, we need to deepen investment connections with like-minded countries around the world - starting with our Indian friends who are fast becoming an economic superpower in their own right," he said.


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