Ukraine seeks Indian support amid Russian invasion

Calling India a "very influential global player", the Ukrainian ambassador to India Igor Polikha has sought India's support amid the ongoing military operation from Russia in Ukraine.

Speaking at a press briefing in New Delhi, Polikha said, don't forget that India was the leader of the non-alignment movement for many years. "Non-alignment movement was created in the time of the Cold war to prevent world tension. It was based on the principle of peace," he said, adding that India was the architecture of world-famous principles -- 'Panchsheel'.

At the present movement, "we are asking and pleading" for the support of India, he added.

"I am an ambassador to India. Of course, the position and the task of every ambassador is to make the position of his country make more favourable. ...India is UNSC's non-permanent member. India is a very influential global player," he said.

Polikha said that up to the last moment, the world was hoping for a peaceful solution.

"We have confirmed information that a lot of Ukrainian aerodromes, military airports, military installations were attacked by bombs and missile attacks," Polikha told media persons.

Earlier today, Russian President Vladimir Putin said special military operations are being launched "to protect" residents in eastern Ukraine. He also warned other countries that any attempt to interfere with the Russian action would lead to "consequences".

Leaders from a number of countries, including the UK, the US, Canada and the European Union, have condemned Russia's military operations in the Donbas region.

Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs is currently holding high-level meetings after Russia launched its military operations in the Donbas region.

According to the sources, contingency plans are being put into operation, and in view of the Ukraine airspace closure, alternate evacuation routes are being activated for Indian nationals residing in Ukraine. Additionally, Russian-speaking officials are being sent to Indian Embassy in Ukraine and also being deployed in countries neighbouring Ukraine.

"The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) control room is being expanded and made operational on a 24x7 basis," the sources added.


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