Google to mentor million Indian women entrepreneurs

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Google India has committed to mentoring 1 million Indian women entrepreneurs at the launch of the US Strategy on Global Women's Economic Security.

"At the alliance's launch, Google India committed to mentoring 1 million Indian women entrepreneurs; we're working with other partners to increase that number. That would have a remarkable impact," said Blinken.

Highlighting US-India Alliance for Women's Economic Empowerment, he said, "We're working to both create and also, as appropriate, replicate efforts like the US-India Alliance for Women's Economic Empowerment. That connects the private sector and civil society to provide Indian women with technical skills and networking opportunities to help them grow their businesses."

Blinken also vowed to promote women's entrepreneurship by addressing some of the challenges that too often hold women back, including a lack of membership - of mentorship and training opportunities.

This was his first event of the year 2023. He said that President Biden came into office with a commitment to gender equality and equity because, as he put it, and I quote: "governments, economies, and communities are stronger when they include the full participation of women."

Blinken laid down some strategies for creating a world in which all women and girls everywhere can contribute to and benefit from economic growth and global prosperity.


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